03.04.2011 в 11:00
Пишет Jenni:Предварительный показ ГПиДС-2
В Чикаго прошел предварительный показ ГПиДС-2, и зарубежные новостные сайты наперебой рассказывают нам о том, что мы увидим во 2-й части 7-го фильма.
Очень хочется надеяться, что кто-нибудь добрый и знающий аглицкий язык переведет для широкой аудитории то, что под катом.
Пока что напишу коротенько о том, что касается Профессора. Заранее простите мой промтовский))
- Фильм начнется с того, что покажут директора Снейпа, который из окна башни смотрит, как студенты под присмотром дементоров маршируют во дворе замка в стиле третьего рейха.
- Будет показана сцена противостояния Гарри и Снейпа в Большом зале.
- Будет дуэль Минервы и Снейпа, Снейп убежит в окно через облако черного дыма - но без снейпообразного отверстия.
- Мы не увидим, что Нагини укусит Снейпа.
- В воспоминания Снейпа добавлена сцена, как он находит тела Лили и Джеймса в Годриковой лощине. Игра Рикмана в этой сцене названа чуть ли не лучшей во всем фильме.
Апдейт. Огромное спасибо Спектру за перевод!
ПереводДиректор Снейп смотрит из башни на студентов Хогвартса, которые маршируют а-ля Третий Рейх в замке, охраняемом дементорами.
Начинается фильм с разговора Гарри с Грипхуком и Олливандером в коттедже "Ракушка".
Затем - сразу сцена в Гринготтсе, где Хелена Бонэм Картер играет Гермиону под Обороткой. Есть забавный момент, где Беллатрикс пошатывает на высоких каблуках.
Сцена в хранилище Лестранжей - такая же, как в книге, куча предметов размножается и заполняет комнату.
Над драконом из Гринготтса хорошо поработали дизайнеры (ах, какой у нас дракон!) - он старый, потрепанный, за ним явно плохо ухаживают.
Связь между Гарри и Волдемортом используется для охоты за хоркруксами. Гарри заглядывает в разум Волдеморта, чтобы узнать об оставшихся хоркруксах.
Когда Волдеморт узнает об ограблении банка, он приходит в ярость и убивает нескольких УпСов и гоблинов - в том числе Грипхука. Только Малфои остаются в живых. Меч Гриффиндора исчезает прямо из руки мертвого Грипхука.
Трио аппарирует в Хогсмид, где их спасает Аберфорт, похожий на гэмбоновского Дамблдора. Над камином портрет Арианы, рядом с ним - второе зеркало Сириуса. Сиаран Хиндс отлично справляется со своей маленькой ролью.
Гарри противостоит Снейпу в Большом зале, когда тот обращается к студентам Хогвартса. Макгонагалл и Снейп устраивают дуэль (один из фантастических моментов для дамы Мэгги Смит), и Снейп убегает в облаке черного дыма через окно (к сожалению, без дыры в форме Снейпа).
Начало битвы, когда Макгонагалл и другие профессора поднимают над замком силовое поле, невероятно эпическое и цепляющее, даже несмотря на то, что готова не вся компьютерная графика. Макгонагалл призывает Рыцарей Хогвартса, доспехи спрыгивают со стен Большого зала и встают на страже ворот Хогвартса.
Будет длинная сцена между Гарри и Серой Леди (которую хорошо играет Келли Макдональд) - он убедит призрака Равенкло рассказать, где находится потерянная диадема.
Рон и Гермиона спустятся в Тайную Комнату и уничтожат клыком василиска чашу Хаффлпафф, после чего наконец поцелуются. В кинотеатре громко аплодировали.
Вместо Крэбба в Выручай-комнате будет Блез Забини. Погибнет Гойл.
Трио видит смерть Снейпа в сарае для лодок у озера. Волдеморт перерезает горло Снейпа Сектумсемпрой, после чего Нагини несколько раз бросается на Снейпа и кусает его. Мы не видим нападения змеи прямо - только через окно, где стоит Трио.
Трио возвращается в Большой зал, где видит тела Фреда, Люпина и Тонкс (их смерти в фильме не показаны). Рон рыдает над телом Фреда.
История Принца: Гарри смотрит воспоминания Снейпа в кабинете Дамблдора, все выглядит очень эффектно. Мы видим встречу Снейпа и Лили в детстве, потом распределение в Хогвартсе, судьбоносные разговоры Снейпа и Дамблдора о Гарри и - самое печальное - Снейпа, который находит тела Лили и Джеймса в Годриковой Лощине. Лучшая игра Алана Рикмана в фильме, а, возможно, и во всем сериале.
Беллатрикс и Молли сражаются на приподнятой платформе в Большом зале. Молли произносит свою фразу про сучку (под БУРНЫЕ аплодисменты), после чего убивает Беллатрикс. Спецэффекты не были закончены, но, если верить субтитрам, заклинание разорвет Беллатрикс на несколько кусков.
The movie clocked at almost exactly two hours, without end credits. The screening was an open secret on Twitter so a lot of fans attended (most seemed to be aware the "unannounced" screening was of Deathly Hallows, as there were leaked photos of the line outside the theater.
The film was very much a work-in-progress, with less than half of the visual effects finished. A good portion of the film was in green screen or a form of CGI renders.
Unfinished shots of the film were marked with placeholders or title cards, such as "Sweeping wide shot of castle."
After a quick reprisal of the final seconds of Part One, the film opens with now Headmaster Snape looking out from a tower at the regimented Hogwarts students, as they march in Third Reich-ean lockstep across the courtyard of his Dementor-guarded castle.
We begin with Harry at Shell Cottage as he talks to both Griphook and Ollivander, as in the book.
The film moves quickly from Shell Cottage to Gringotts Bank, where Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix) manners herself off of Hermione, who has taken polyjuice potion. There is a funny moment where Bellatrix (who is really Hermione) wobbles as she walks in Bellatrix's high heels around the bank.
The scene inside Bellatrix's vault occurs as it was in the book, with the objects in the vault multiplying and overtaking the room.
There was very nice design work on the Gringotts dragon, which is old and rickety and shows serious signs of abuse and neglect.
The connection between Harry and Voldemort is used quite often in this film, especially in the hunt for the horcruxes. Harry uses his insight into Voldemort's mind to identify most of the remaining horcruxes.
When Voldemort learns of the bank heist, he goes on an enraged killing spree of several Death Eaters and Goblins-- including Griphook. Only the Malfoys are left alive, and the sword of Gryffindor is shown vanishing from Griphook's dead hand.
The trio apparates to Hogsmeade and saved by Aberforth, who looks considerably like Gambon's Dumbledore. We see Ariana in the portrait above the fire place, and the other half of the Sirius' mirror set on the wall next to her. Ciaran Hinds is excellent in his brief role.
Harry confronts Snape in the Great Hall, while the headmaster is addressing the Hogwarts students. McGonagall and Snape duel (one of several fantastic moments in the film for Dame Maggie Smith), and Snape escapes via a cloud of black smoke through the window... without the bat-shaped hole, sadly.
The beginning of the battle--with McGonagall and the Professors conjuring a protective forcefield around the castle--is as epic and stirring as we could have imagined, even with CGI elements missing. McGonagall summons the Knights of Hogwarts, who jump down from the walls of the Great Hall and lineup to stand guard at the entrances of Hogwarts.
There is a lengthy scene between Harry and the Grey Lady (very nicely played by Kelly Macdonald), as he tries to convince the Ravenclaw ghost to reveal the location of the lost diadem.
We follow Ron and Hermione into the Chamber of Secrets as they use the basilisk fang to destroy the Hufflepuff cup, after which they finally kiss. The theater cheered quite loudly.
Blaise Zabini takes Vincent Crabbe's place in the Room of Requirement sequence, and Goyle is the one who perishes via the Fiendfyre.
The trio witness Snape's death in a boathouse at the edge of the Hogwarts lake. Voldemort uses Sectumsempra to slash Snape's throat, after which Nagini repeatedly attacks and bites Snape. We don't directly the snake attack directly, but via the Trio's point of view outside the boathouse window.
The Trio return to the Great Hall, where they see the bodies of Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. (Their deaths are not shown in the film.) Ron breaks down and sobs over Fred's body.
The Prince's Tale: Harry views Snape's memories in Dumbledore's office, and this sequence was nothing short of spectacular. We see Snape and Lily meeting as children, their sorting at Hogwarts, Snape and Dumbledore's fateful conversations about Harry, and--most hearbreakingly---Snape discovering Lily and James' bodies at Godric's Hollow. Alan Rickman gives his best performance yet in the series, and possibly the best in the film.
Bellatrix and Molly have their showdown on a raised platform in the Great Hall. Molly gets her signature line in (to RAUCOUS cheers and applause) before delivering the killing curse. The effects here were unfinished, but if the subtitles are to be believed, the spell will blow Bellatrix into several pieces.
Neville gets not one but multiple B.A. moments in the film; not only the Nagini scene, but an impassioned rallying speech in the courtyard, and fending off hoards of Death Eaters on the wooden Hogwarts bridge.
The final showdown between Harry and Voldemort is much extended from the book, as Voldemort chases Harry throughout several different parts of the Hogwarts castle. At one moment, Harry throws them both off a high tower, and their duel reaches its climax in the castle courtyard. The death of Nagini is held until the last possible moment, and Voldemort disintegrates into nothingness as Harry's wand overtakes his own.
The epilogue is included, but only Harry looks noticeably aged while Ron and Hermione look hardly a day older than the rest of the film. But it ends the series on a satisfying, emotional note, ultimately closing on a shot of the smiling, content Trio as they watch their children depart on the Hogwarts Express.
Thanks to MuggleNet reader Mercedez, we heard about a mysterious test screening taking place in Chicago this weekend. Based on test screenings WB has held for Potter in the past, we assumed that the time and place was right for this one to be Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
We were very nervous going into the screening as we still didn't know whether or not it was Potter. Once director David Yates had entered we knew we were at the right place. He was joined by producers David Heyman and David Barron and editor Mark Day.
Since this screening took place so far in advance, we know you don't want to be spoiled. We're keeping this report as spoiler free as possible. A separate report will follow at a later time with spoilers if you wish to read them.
The film was exactly two hours in length. The plot line followed the book plot line better than the other films had. While you may think that two hours is short (especially compared to the other films), we actually found it to be a very satisfying length.
Fans will be pleased with the adaptation when it comes to the crucial scenes, but at least one important scene left us feeling underwhelmed.
The large majority of this film is the Battle of Hogwarts. As interviews had revealed in the past, the battle itself is close to a hour and keeps an impressive pace. Intermixed with the fighting is, like in the book, Harry's hunt for the remaining Horcruxes.
It was interesting to watch Voldemort and Harry's reaction to each Horcrux being destroyed. In the book we see Voldemort's rage as he realizes what is going on. This is brought across nicely in the film.
Unlike in the book, we get to go to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron and Hermione.
You'll find that the filmmakers attempted to insert humor into the plot at some points. While the book doesn't strive for those laughs, the film does. It's understandable that the filmmakers did this as it's what makes a good movie. There are a couple of times where the laughs - in at least one of our opinions - was not needed. This part of the story is obviously very serious and the large amount of action makes up for the need for a laugh or two.
Two surprisingly prominent characters in this film were Neville and Professor McGonagall. They both have shining moments that will get the theaters cheering.
Harry's decision to go to Voldemort is easily one of the best moments of the film. You're pulled into his realization and execution and it will make you emotional.
The Epilogue is bittersweet, but several people who saw the film say they wanted to see more.
Snape as Headmaster is great. Alan Rickman puts on his Snape character more than ever when it comes to the way he speaks.
An interview with Ciaran Hinds suggested that Aberforth Dumbledore's role in this movie was a "blink and you'll miss it appearance". This is not the case. You see Aberforth for a good bit of time, but there are adjustments from what's in the book.
Overall, this film is quite the thrill and will live up to the expectations of most fans. A couple of changes left us bothered, but we won't get into those here. More to come!
URL записиВ Чикаго прошел предварительный показ ГПиДС-2, и зарубежные новостные сайты наперебой рассказывают нам о том, что мы увидим во 2-й части 7-го фильма.
Очень хочется надеяться, что кто-нибудь добрый и знающий аглицкий язык переведет для широкой аудитории то, что под катом.
Пока что напишу коротенько о том, что касается Профессора. Заранее простите мой промтовский))
- Фильм начнется с того, что покажут директора Снейпа, который из окна башни смотрит, как студенты под присмотром дементоров маршируют во дворе замка в стиле третьего рейха.
- Будет показана сцена противостояния Гарри и Снейпа в Большом зале.
- Будет дуэль Минервы и Снейпа, Снейп убежит в окно через облако черного дыма - но без снейпообразного отверстия.
- В воспоминания Снейпа добавлена сцена, как он находит тела Лили и Джеймса в Годриковой лощине. Игра Рикмана в этой сцене названа чуть ли не лучшей во всем фильме.
Апдейт. Огромное спасибо Спектру за перевод!
ПереводДиректор Снейп смотрит из башни на студентов Хогвартса, которые маршируют а-ля Третий Рейх в замке, охраняемом дементорами.
Начинается фильм с разговора Гарри с Грипхуком и Олливандером в коттедже "Ракушка".
Затем - сразу сцена в Гринготтсе, где Хелена Бонэм Картер играет Гермиону под Обороткой. Есть забавный момент, где Беллатрикс пошатывает на высоких каблуках.
Сцена в хранилище Лестранжей - такая же, как в книге, куча предметов размножается и заполняет комнату.
Над драконом из Гринготтса хорошо поработали дизайнеры (ах, какой у нас дракон!) - он старый, потрепанный, за ним явно плохо ухаживают.
Связь между Гарри и Волдемортом используется для охоты за хоркруксами. Гарри заглядывает в разум Волдеморта, чтобы узнать об оставшихся хоркруксах.
Когда Волдеморт узнает об ограблении банка, он приходит в ярость и убивает нескольких УпСов и гоблинов - в том числе Грипхука. Только Малфои остаются в живых. Меч Гриффиндора исчезает прямо из руки мертвого Грипхука.
Трио аппарирует в Хогсмид, где их спасает Аберфорт, похожий на гэмбоновского Дамблдора. Над камином портрет Арианы, рядом с ним - второе зеркало Сириуса. Сиаран Хиндс отлично справляется со своей маленькой ролью.
Гарри противостоит Снейпу в Большом зале, когда тот обращается к студентам Хогвартса. Макгонагалл и Снейп устраивают дуэль (один из фантастических моментов для дамы Мэгги Смит), и Снейп убегает в облаке черного дыма через окно (к сожалению, без дыры в форме Снейпа).
Начало битвы, когда Макгонагалл и другие профессора поднимают над замком силовое поле, невероятно эпическое и цепляющее, даже несмотря на то, что готова не вся компьютерная графика. Макгонагалл призывает Рыцарей Хогвартса, доспехи спрыгивают со стен Большого зала и встают на страже ворот Хогвартса.
Будет длинная сцена между Гарри и Серой Леди (которую хорошо играет Келли Макдональд) - он убедит призрака Равенкло рассказать, где находится потерянная диадема.
Рон и Гермиона спустятся в Тайную Комнату и уничтожат клыком василиска чашу Хаффлпафф, после чего наконец поцелуются. В кинотеатре громко аплодировали.
Вместо Крэбба в Выручай-комнате будет Блез Забини. Погибнет Гойл.
Трио видит смерть Снейпа в сарае для лодок у озера. Волдеморт перерезает горло Снейпа Сектумсемпрой, после чего Нагини несколько раз бросается на Снейпа и кусает его. Мы не видим нападения змеи прямо - только через окно, где стоит Трио.
Трио возвращается в Большой зал, где видит тела Фреда, Люпина и Тонкс (их смерти в фильме не показаны). Рон рыдает над телом Фреда.
История Принца: Гарри смотрит воспоминания Снейпа в кабинете Дамблдора, все выглядит очень эффектно. Мы видим встречу Снейпа и Лили в детстве, потом распределение в Хогвартсе, судьбоносные разговоры Снейпа и Дамблдора о Гарри и - самое печальное - Снейпа, который находит тела Лили и Джеймса в Годриковой Лощине. Лучшая игра Алана Рикмана в фильме, а, возможно, и во всем сериале.
Беллатрикс и Молли сражаются на приподнятой платформе в Большом зале. Молли произносит свою фразу про сучку (под БУРНЫЕ аплодисменты), после чего убивает Беллатрикс. Спецэффекты не были закончены, но, если верить субтитрам, заклинание разорвет Беллатрикс на несколько кусков.
The movie clocked at almost exactly two hours, without end credits. The screening was an open secret on Twitter so a lot of fans attended (most seemed to be aware the "unannounced" screening was of Deathly Hallows, as there were leaked photos of the line outside the theater.
The film was very much a work-in-progress, with less than half of the visual effects finished. A good portion of the film was in green screen or a form of CGI renders.
Unfinished shots of the film were marked with placeholders or title cards, such as "Sweeping wide shot of castle."
After a quick reprisal of the final seconds of Part One, the film opens with now Headmaster Snape looking out from a tower at the regimented Hogwarts students, as they march in Third Reich-ean lockstep across the courtyard of his Dementor-guarded castle.
We begin with Harry at Shell Cottage as he talks to both Griphook and Ollivander, as in the book.
The film moves quickly from Shell Cottage to Gringotts Bank, where Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix) manners herself off of Hermione, who has taken polyjuice potion. There is a funny moment where Bellatrix (who is really Hermione) wobbles as she walks in Bellatrix's high heels around the bank.
The scene inside Bellatrix's vault occurs as it was in the book, with the objects in the vault multiplying and overtaking the room.
There was very nice design work on the Gringotts dragon, which is old and rickety and shows serious signs of abuse and neglect.
The connection between Harry and Voldemort is used quite often in this film, especially in the hunt for the horcruxes. Harry uses his insight into Voldemort's mind to identify most of the remaining horcruxes.
When Voldemort learns of the bank heist, he goes on an enraged killing spree of several Death Eaters and Goblins-- including Griphook. Only the Malfoys are left alive, and the sword of Gryffindor is shown vanishing from Griphook's dead hand.
The trio apparates to Hogsmeade and saved by Aberforth, who looks considerably like Gambon's Dumbledore. We see Ariana in the portrait above the fire place, and the other half of the Sirius' mirror set on the wall next to her. Ciaran Hinds is excellent in his brief role.
Harry confronts Snape in the Great Hall, while the headmaster is addressing the Hogwarts students. McGonagall and Snape duel (one of several fantastic moments in the film for Dame Maggie Smith), and Snape escapes via a cloud of black smoke through the window... without the bat-shaped hole, sadly.
The beginning of the battle--with McGonagall and the Professors conjuring a protective forcefield around the castle--is as epic and stirring as we could have imagined, even with CGI elements missing. McGonagall summons the Knights of Hogwarts, who jump down from the walls of the Great Hall and lineup to stand guard at the entrances of Hogwarts.
There is a lengthy scene between Harry and the Grey Lady (very nicely played by Kelly Macdonald), as he tries to convince the Ravenclaw ghost to reveal the location of the lost diadem.
We follow Ron and Hermione into the Chamber of Secrets as they use the basilisk fang to destroy the Hufflepuff cup, after which they finally kiss. The theater cheered quite loudly.
Blaise Zabini takes Vincent Crabbe's place in the Room of Requirement sequence, and Goyle is the one who perishes via the Fiendfyre.
The trio witness Snape's death in a boathouse at the edge of the Hogwarts lake. Voldemort uses Sectumsempra to slash Snape's throat, after which Nagini repeatedly attacks and bites Snape. We don't directly the snake attack directly, but via the Trio's point of view outside the boathouse window.
The Trio return to the Great Hall, where they see the bodies of Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. (Their deaths are not shown in the film.) Ron breaks down and sobs over Fred's body.
The Prince's Tale: Harry views Snape's memories in Dumbledore's office, and this sequence was nothing short of spectacular. We see Snape and Lily meeting as children, their sorting at Hogwarts, Snape and Dumbledore's fateful conversations about Harry, and--most hearbreakingly---Snape discovering Lily and James' bodies at Godric's Hollow. Alan Rickman gives his best performance yet in the series, and possibly the best in the film.
Bellatrix and Molly have their showdown on a raised platform in the Great Hall. Molly gets her signature line in (to RAUCOUS cheers and applause) before delivering the killing curse. The effects here were unfinished, but if the subtitles are to be believed, the spell will blow Bellatrix into several pieces.
Neville gets not one but multiple B.A. moments in the film; not only the Nagini scene, but an impassioned rallying speech in the courtyard, and fending off hoards of Death Eaters on the wooden Hogwarts bridge.
The final showdown between Harry and Voldemort is much extended from the book, as Voldemort chases Harry throughout several different parts of the Hogwarts castle. At one moment, Harry throws them both off a high tower, and their duel reaches its climax in the castle courtyard. The death of Nagini is held until the last possible moment, and Voldemort disintegrates into nothingness as Harry's wand overtakes his own.
The epilogue is included, but only Harry looks noticeably aged while Ron and Hermione look hardly a day older than the rest of the film. But it ends the series on a satisfying, emotional note, ultimately closing on a shot of the smiling, content Trio as they watch their children depart on the Hogwarts Express.
Thanks to MuggleNet reader Mercedez, we heard about a mysterious test screening taking place in Chicago this weekend. Based on test screenings WB has held for Potter in the past, we assumed that the time and place was right for this one to be Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
We were very nervous going into the screening as we still didn't know whether or not it was Potter. Once director David Yates had entered we knew we were at the right place. He was joined by producers David Heyman and David Barron and editor Mark Day.
Since this screening took place so far in advance, we know you don't want to be spoiled. We're keeping this report as spoiler free as possible. A separate report will follow at a later time with spoilers if you wish to read them.
The film was exactly two hours in length. The plot line followed the book plot line better than the other films had. While you may think that two hours is short (especially compared to the other films), we actually found it to be a very satisfying length.
Fans will be pleased with the adaptation when it comes to the crucial scenes, but at least one important scene left us feeling underwhelmed.
The large majority of this film is the Battle of Hogwarts. As interviews had revealed in the past, the battle itself is close to a hour and keeps an impressive pace. Intermixed with the fighting is, like in the book, Harry's hunt for the remaining Horcruxes.
It was interesting to watch Voldemort and Harry's reaction to each Horcrux being destroyed. In the book we see Voldemort's rage as he realizes what is going on. This is brought across nicely in the film.
Unlike in the book, we get to go to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron and Hermione.
You'll find that the filmmakers attempted to insert humor into the plot at some points. While the book doesn't strive for those laughs, the film does. It's understandable that the filmmakers did this as it's what makes a good movie. There are a couple of times where the laughs - in at least one of our opinions - was not needed. This part of the story is obviously very serious and the large amount of action makes up for the need for a laugh or two.
Two surprisingly prominent characters in this film were Neville and Professor McGonagall. They both have shining moments that will get the theaters cheering.
Harry's decision to go to Voldemort is easily one of the best moments of the film. You're pulled into his realization and execution and it will make you emotional.
The Epilogue is bittersweet, but several people who saw the film say they wanted to see more.
Snape as Headmaster is great. Alan Rickman puts on his Snape character more than ever when it comes to the way he speaks.
An interview with Ciaran Hinds suggested that Aberforth Dumbledore's role in this movie was a "blink and you'll miss it appearance". This is not the case. You see Aberforth for a good bit of time, but there are adjustments from what's in the book.
Overall, this film is quite the thrill and will live up to the expectations of most fans. A couple of changes left us bothered, but we won't get into those here. More to come!